Friday, February 26, 2010

Katie Playing Mommy

This weekend Emily and I came to Midland to stay with Kelly while the boys went fishing. After being on the phone with one of Jeff's clients, I walk in to the living room, and Katie is the Mommy and Kelly and Emily are the babies. It was hilarious! She had them laying on the floor taking a "nappy". In this picture, you can see Katie patting Kelly on the back and telling her, "Sh sh sh" because she was fussing. Kelly is currently in time out for kicking Emily, even though Katie told her to go over there and do it. Oooohhh the wonderful life of living with a 2 year old. She might be the cutest thing I have EVER seen!

Monday, February 22, 2010

It snows....yet AGAIN!

Well just when everything had melted off and we could actually see started snowing again! I think we got about an inch last night and it is now 4:45 and we are getting more. There are different reports, but the Amarillo weather says that we are expecting 1-3 inches. I guess this winter is just NOT going to give it up! We have chances for some type of precipitation everyday this week except for Wednesday. (which I'm sure will change) I'm hoping that it clears up because Emily and I are supposed to go to Midland this weekend to spend time with Kelly, Gordo, and sweet Katie while the boys are gone fishing. Keep your fingers crossed!!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

I finally figured this thing out!!

I've been wanting to start a blog for a while, but apparently this thing is smarter than me! Somehow I put a picture up that took up the entire computer screen! I finally figured out how to remove it and am posting my first blog! Hopefully I will be faithful to it and keep it updating. I love reading about people's families so hopefully everyone will enjoy reading about ours. I'm learning, so be patient. :)